Outside the trains don't run on time in Germany

Outside the trains don't run on time

Already it's Day 4 of the tournament. So far I have been to Munich, Cologne, Dortmund and Stuttgart, currently en route to Dusseldorf.

German trains rarely run on time.
German trains rarely run on time

First impressions

At past tournaments hosts would go out of their way to ensure their host cities were pristine, ambitious planning projects would be in the final stages of completion. This time it is clearly not the case. 

I have had a chance to check out the German Rail network and now understand the frustration of German friends who have been telling me for sometime that the trains no longer run on time. Thankfully I planned every day with the earliest reasonable train out of the city I was staying in. Meaning that I have some leeway with times.

On Saturday I travelled between Cologne, after Hungary v Switzerland at 3 pm, to Dortmund for Italy v Albania at 9 pm. Journey time approx 90 minutes (of course). Got a quick exit from the stadium in Cologne, and headed for the main station.

Outside the trains don't run on time.
Cologne Station

Volunteers have been a feature of tournaments for the last twenty years, but this time there are only a few and the signposting is not what it was. Despite this I made it to the station in time for the 17.45 train which would get me in Dortmund for 19.14. Unfortunately the train didn't make it for 17.45. It did turn up, but was late and got later, eventually arrived in Dortmund around 20.00. On the train, I sat down and was immediately recognised by the person opposite me. I made the mistake of letting someone take a photo of me and they had posted it on Facebook apparently. Meant I had a guide to get me to the ground at Dortmund.

Yesterday, was a relatively short trip between Cologne and Stuttgart. Up at 7 am, breakfast and then to Köln Hauptbahnof for the 8.24, I had already received a message saying it was 7 minutes late before I got to the station. In the end they were saying it was 55 minutes late, so looked at alternatives and found another train, and ended up in Stuttgart an hour later than expected. The best thing about the German trains is the DB navigator app and the notifications that keep you informed about your train, although I wish they were not sending so many. Also the honesty - changing the message from "connecting train will probably be caught" to "connecting train may not be caught."

Was able to check in at accomodation and get a much needed hour's rest before heading out to the Slovenia v Denmark game.

Was about to look up what number Tadeg Pojačar was for Slovenia after I heard the Danish fans questioning who he was. The banter turned to English and I learnt that he was a cyclist. That saved me a lot of time!  He was also on the screen at the stadium giving a message of support to his country. We don't realise how lucky we are. Being in Germany and the conversation between Slovenians and Danish turns to English. Why on earth would you turn your back on being at the centre of things.

Today received a notification that my train the 10.37 from Stuttgart to Düsseldorf has been delayed, then further delayed. Then I was advised I could use any train. So now currently on the 09.51!

He's become nostalgic. Wants to own tomorrow. Discipline, is his passion. Now, he says there's none. Outside the trains don't run on time

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© Ross Clegg & Soccerphile.com

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