Gdansk - you, asking?

Gdansk Euro 2012

The train from Warsaw was packed with Spanish supporters, although the wearing of Spanish club shirts helped identify the locals.

Gdansk is unusual for Poland in that it doesn't have a square as it's centerpiece - it has Ulica Dluga (The Long Market). It feels like another step back in time with merchant houses from the 17th century lining both sides of the street.

Pirate in Gdansk, Poland.

At the end of the street you meet the River, with numerous restaurants and authentic pirate - would you believe serving dumplings?!

The fact that the match didn't have a full house can be put down to activities happening on Ulica Dluga where once again foreign countries collaborating make a mess of the economy and fail to understand basic economics.

The Italian Football Federation allocation of tickets was not sold as the Russian they passed them to was selling €30 tickets for £140.

The stadium was reached by train from the centre and once again was a fitting venue for a European Championship game.

After the match I found the fan zone to watch the Ireland game. Remember I had said what you see is what you get? Well on sale in the food section was "big slice of bread with lard", I don't think this lost anything in translation, but.... I am not along for that.

After the match I returned to town in time to catch the 23.17 train back to Warsaw. This is due in at 5.50 am giving enough time to get to the airport and catch a flight to Kiev.

Gdansk Stadium, Poland.

Imagine the look on my face when I see the departure board at 23.00 with no train departing at 23.17 and nothing listed for Warsaw. Mild panic starts to set in as I expect things to run to plan in Europe, but am willing to tolerate these things on different continents. (except Japan).

I found that the train would be departing at 23.25 and it's final destination Krakow. Headed off with this knowledge to the platform and now found that this was delayed by 25 minutes. Still plenty of time to make it to the airport, where I will be pleased to depart a country where Z scores only 1 for scrabble to a language more familiar - Cyrillic.

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© Ross Clegg &

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