World Cup USA in 2018 or 2022

Doug Band behind United States' Push to Host World Cup in 2018 or 2022

By Sean Garrison

With the 2010 FIFA World Cup approaching in less than two months, Americans once again have soccer on their minds. Their attention can be attributed to the popular belief that this year will be Team USA's best chance to bring home their very first World Cup. While many Americans might only think about soccer during major events like the World Cup, the majority of countries around the world fiendishly follow the sport year-round. U.S. soccer fanatics are glad that their favorite sport is finally gaining some respect domestically, but Doug Band feels that even more popularity can be gained by bringing the World Cup to America.

Doug Band behind United States' Push to Host World Cup in 2018 or 2022

President Clinton's personal advisor, Doug Band, recently obliged a request to join the Board of Directors for the United States Bid Committee. The committee aspires to bring the FIFA World Cup to the U.S. as soon as 2018. With the addition of Doug Band's support, the committee hopes to increase their chances of bringing the most widely followed international tournament to American soil. This is a huge opportunity for the United States to bring together many cultures that all have great interest in the sport. If the United States wins the bid; it would surely be a boost to their international image.

Band is a fantastic addition to the U.S. committee, not only because he's an avid fan of the game, but also because he realizes how this sport can unify disparate cultures and people. Because of the extensive work Doug Band has done with the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), he has garnered valuable experience in foreign relations. Along with former President Clinton, Band founded the CGI in 2005. Since then, CGI has reached out to millions across the globe by providing medical assistance, education opportunities, and environmental protection. The U.S. bid committee is determined to obtain their goal of a U.S. World Cup, and are fastidiously working to make that goal a reality. With Band's arrival, they now have a figure that understands the gravity of such a world event and wants to bring its cultural significance to America.


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