Red Bull
I do enjoy a moral dilemma. An intellectual friend asked if I would kill a chicken to save a chicken's life. I honestly replied that I'd happily slaughter a chicken if I missed breakfast.
He went on to ask if I would ever use inside information to profit from gambling. I once again answered in all honesty that I have never been involved in such a practice; but then again, I don't know Harry Redknapp.
There is still uproar amongst the betting community whenever the controversial 'next Portsmouth manager' market is discussed. I must point out that there is no evidence to suggest that Harry Redknapp was involved in a scam, or in fact that a scam actually took place. I will just say that the 11/4 for a Newcastle win over Portsmouth should be investigated further.
David Bentley has admitted to being a former gambling addict. 'Bents', or to use his more familiar nickname, 'the vastly overrated David Bentley' has an addictive personality, and is currently obsessed with DIY. This did not come as a shock. Liverpool will pull off a win over Blackburn at 8/15.
My wife is a stereotypical female; she doesn't understand the offside rule. She thinks that a player should be penalised if he receives the ball in an offside position, even if the last touch comes off a defender - as long as the attacking side intended to play the fall forward to the player in the advanced position in the first phase of play. What a doughnut. The betting proposition between Derby and Aston Villa is also perfectly clear: the Villa win at 8/13.
I was quite shocked to read that a male is due to give birth. I just hope that Frank drops it in time for Chelsea's game against Wigan. Bookmakers have delivered 1/4 for a Chelsea win - I shall be babysitting.
West Ham were once embroiled in a betting furore when Paul Kitson kicked the ball straight into touch from the kick-off. Harry Redknapp was the manager of West Ham at the time, but there is no evidence to suggest that he was involved in a spread betting scam, or in fact that a scam actually took place. I prefer to believe that Paul Kitson is just not a good passer of a ball, like the Bolton players. The Hammers will add a final nail to Bolton's Premier League coffin at 13/5.
When injury-prone C-list-celebrity romancer Jonathan Woodgate labelled Juande Ramos a 'proper manager', it would be safe to assume that he was having a sly dig at Gareth Southgate. Ramos may edge Southgate in experience, but how many pizza adverts has he starred in? I shall be topping up on the 9/2 for a Middlesbrough win over Tottenham.
Alex McLeish is a frustrated thespian; he wishes his players luck before each match by saying "Break a leg". Damien Johnson is the latest player to see red for a career-threatener; Everton will punish the weakened Brummies at 6/4.
Emotions always run high when Arsenal meet Manchester United, but that does not excuse the food-fight that broke out after a particularly fiery encounter. Such actions are morally reprehensible when there are starving children in this world; I can't even begin to imagine what Dawn French's kids were thinking. I'll make a small donation to the needy when Arsenal beat Manchester United at 4/1.
Manchester City have been heavily linked with Ronaldinho, but I remain sceptical. It reminds me of the time when Birmingham City were linked with Maradona, but he turned the move down as his two-footed over-the-top tackle was lightweight at best. We should all get stuck in to the 6/5 for a Sunderland win over Manchester City.
People have been emailing me to ask if I know the identity of the player who allegedly had a £50,000 gambling debt written off in exchange for getting himself sent off. I honestly have no idea who this player is, I just know that there is no evidence to suggest that Harry Redknapp was involved in a scam, or in fact that a scam actually took place. I am reasonably sure about the value in taking even money for a Reading win over Fulham.
In a week where the morality of football has been questioned, the filth have now arrested senior figures at Birmingham City. At the time of writing, no charges have been filed, but it's expected that David Sullivan will be charged with 'outraging public decency', presumably for allowing Karen Brady to enter the public arena. I'll be outraged if Aston Villa, Sunderland, Newcastle and Chelsea fail to land an incorruptible 15/1 accer.