Fingers crossed for a quick word

Fingers crossed for a quick word

Frankfurt Stadium.

Das Purist has pitched up back in Frankfurt and a bumper double session awaits. We are talking about training here, the lighter the better given the heat and the fact that these players are still playing out last season!

Brazil are billed first; their work-out as ever likely to involve a lot of high jinks before a locust-style invasion of the media.

In contrast, Argentina will only be opening up the last 15 minutes of their exertions to scrutiny after kicking off training at 1900 local time. What is more, Jose Pekerman is expected to be the only head talking.

When Scotland's Martin Buchan was asked by some bothersome scribe for a quick word back in the seventies his reply was "velocity".

In the interests of, if nothing else, justifying what is becoming an unusually healthy thirst, das purist will attempt to procure a couple more than that.

So watch this space...


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